September 2015
The two leading organic fair promoters, BolognaFiere with SANA – International Exhibition of Organic and Natural Products (whose 27th edition takes place in Bologna from 12 to 15 September 2015) and the Nuremberg’s Biofach trade fair have join forces with IFOAM and FederBio to make organics the key player in the great debate on nutrition and food underway at Milan’s Universal Exhibition. A three-day event whose title “Our Daily Biodiversity! – Organics and More” emphasizes the challenge to safeguard biodiversity on an ongoing daily basis to promote a farming and development model sustainable in the long term. Thursday 3 September the Organic Week kicks off with the meeting “Soil is Life!” to help us understand the importance of the soil and its fertility for farming and food production in the “International Year of Soils”. Friday 4 September focuses on the importance of sustainability: the meeting “Feeding the Planet Sustainably or not at all!” highlights how sustainable development is the only way forward for the future. Saturday 5 September the Organic Week ends with an overview of organic farming as the best method for future food production with “The Future of Agriculture: Organic 3.0”.