Success for SANA

47.221 visitors at the intErnational exhibition for natural and organic products   833 exhibitors (+19%), 50.000 m2 of exhibition space (+ 30%), more than 60 events including workshops ...

Organic coffee continues to grow

Italians love their coffee. According to the latest figures from FIPE, the Italian Federation of Public Businesses, we drank 6 billion cups of coffee last year, the equivalent of around 47 million ...

Opening Ceremony

“L’AGRICOLTURA BIOLOGICA: UN’OPPORTUNITA’ STRATEGICA PER IL PAESE”  Il bio non è più solo il frutto della libera scelta di alcuni, ma è ...

Italian women say yes to natural

The source changes but not the end result: naturalness is the new trend with more and more women embracing an eco-friendly green lifestyle. 71% of Italian women prefer products that reflect ...

Food supplements: a world to discover

Just launched is the first edition of the Food Supplements Review produced by 'Integratori Italia' (Italian Association of Food Product Industries - Aiipa). Its target is to shed light on the ...

Surge in the number of SANA exhibitors

  The burgeoning trend of the organics sector and the 2015 edition of its trade show continues this year with lots of renewed applications and new entries among exhibitors registered for ...