Success for SANA
47.221 visitors at the intErnational exhibition for natural and organic products 833 exhibitors (+19%), 50.000 m2 of exhibition space (+ 30%), more than 60 events including workshops ...
47.221 visitors at the intErnational exhibition for natural and organic products 833 exhibitors (+19%), 50.000 m2 of exhibition space (+ 30%), more than 60 events including workshops ...
Organics continues to grow in all sectors and beauty is no exception. According to UALA, an Italian online beauty and wellness network, organic treatments grew 60% in the last year. Growth ...
From September, buying a Trenitalia ticket will be even simpler and eco-friendly thanks to an agreement signed with Google Maps: Google Transit is the new tool letting you plan you trip by train ...
Italians love their coffee. According to the latest figures from FIPE, the Italian Federation of Public Businesses, we drank 6 billion cups of coffee last year, the equivalent of around 47 million ...
“L’AGRICOLTURA BIOLOGICA: UN’OPPORTUNITA’ STRATEGICA PER IL PAESE” Il bio non è più solo il frutto della libera scelta di alcuni, ma è ...
Sales of fairtrade products increased in Italy to reach 99 million euro at the end of 2015 (+10% over 2014). According to figures presented by Fairtrade Italia at the Milan meeting entitled ...
The third tree cathedral designed by Giuliano Mauri is being built on the left bank of the Adda river and should be ready by September.The Giuliano Mauri Association, the city of Lodi and the ...
Positive data for the cosmetics industry emerge from the latest surveys by Cosmetica Italia. In 2015 the sector had a 10 billion euro turnover, with exports growing by more than 14 percentage ...
The fourth year of the initiative taking organics into schools has just come to an end. “Organics to feed the future” for the school year 2015/2016 was targeted at all Italian middle ...
The tour starts on 15 July and ends August 25: the Appennino Bike Tour, the longest in Italy, with a route of more than 2,600 kilometers, through 14 regions, 25 national and regional parks and ...
The source changes but not the end result: naturalness is the new trend with more and more women embracing an eco-friendly green lifestyle. 71% of Italian women prefer products that reflect ...
Just launched is the first edition of the Food Supplements Review produced by 'Integratori Italia' (Italian Association of Food Product Industries - Aiipa). Its target is to shed light on the ...
This is target of Anabio (Italian Association for Organic Agriculture) - Cia (Italian Agriculture Association), confirmed during the national meeting held in Rome on Wednesday 6th July. "The ...
The burgeoning trend of the organics sector and the 2015 edition of its trade show continues this year with lots of renewed applications and new entries among exhibitors registered for ...
The new advertising campaign reflects the identity, mission and specific features of SANA, Italy’s international trade show boosting not only businesses and products but also skills and ...
Federbio, the Italian Federation grouping the organic and biodynamic farming supply chain, has renewed its agreement with BolognaFiere to partner and support SANA and boost organics. The two-year ...
11 internationally famous artists have painted murals in Italian cities using Airlite, a revolutionary new paint reducing air pollutants by up to 90%. Part of the Ikea Loves Earth project, ...
A recent episode of the EtaBeta programme on Italian national radio, Mauro Spagnuolo, director of, a daily devoted to environmental sustainability, talked about the circular economy. ...
Italy is among the leading destinations for green tourism and SANA is the opportunity to discover new green lifestyle products. According to Italy’s leading farmers’ organization ...
Internationalization and trade relations with countries outside the EU is a topical issue, especially for Italy’s food supplements industry. Export is a strategically important business ...
According to a survey by Italy’s leading farmers’ organization Coldiretti, medicinal plants ranging from lavender to aromatic herbs are found all over the Marche region in central ...
SANA will be hosting businesses revolving around the world of raw materials and their manifold beneficial properties. One of the many products is shea butter: not only moisturizing and rich ...
The new four-language glossary produced by EFSA – European Food Safety Authority is now online. The idea is to help ordinary citizens understand the terms used by the scientific community ...
According to Severino del Giudice, in charge of Confagricoltura organic farming in the Friuli Venezia Region and attending the association’s national meeting, its member farms dedicate ...
These comments emerged at the “The supply chain meets up” event organized by AgroTer where discussion focused on a broad range of topics and consumer market trends in the fruit and ...