September 2017

920 companies (+10), 22,000 m2 of exhibition space (+13%) and visitor numbers in line with the 2016 edition, present at SANA 2017 also Minister Maurizio Martina and Deputy Minister Andrea Olivero.

The 70 events, including conventions, workshops and presentations, 
over 2,500 meetings between companies and international buyers from 30 countries (+11%) enjoyed excellent participation.

Ahead of the important anniversary next year (of 30 years since the first edition), SANA again proved to be a great success, confirming its role as a reference point in the world of organic products for a growing number of companies, operators, organizations, associations, buyers and a visiting public of consumers who are well-informed and motivated. The six pavilions of SANA 2017, showcased three product sectors, Organic Food Natural and Organic Body Care and Green Lifestyle, presenting the very best of national and international organic and natural production to the thousands of visitors to the event. There was much satisfaction and positive feedback from the operators, a packed schedule of B2B meetings, with over 2,500 taking place as part of the programme of events organized thanks to the International Buyer Program, the programme for incoming visitors organized in collaboration with ICE and FederBio and the International Buyer Lounge that played host to international buyers from 30 countries (+11%).

SANA 2017 further consolidated its role as a showcase and platform for debate and in-depth study with the key players of the sector of organic and natural products, from institutions to private companies, governments to regional administrations, European bodies to trade associations and federations, from companies to producers and distributors to certification bodies. There was also an increase in the presence of grocery retail groups, which are dedicating an increasing amount of space to product lines that are natural and organic.


The current state of the sector was outlined at the opening convention, “Which regulations to boost the growth of European organics?” an event that involved Deputy Minister Andrea Olivero and saw the presentation of the SANA Observatory, promoted and financed by BologaFiere with the support of FederBio and AssoBio and compiled by Nomisma.


Of great importance, finally, are the figures concerning communications. More than 750 accredited journalists attended the 29th edition of SANA – with a significant representation from foreign countries, not only European nations, but also Pakistan, the USA, Zaire and Libya – including reporters from daily papers, national journals, radio and television broadcasters and web magazines.

There were also numerous specialists and food and beauty bloggers. Hundreds of articles and reports on the event, a number of specials dedicated to an exhibition rich in content and with themes that echoed the increasing interest of a growing public that is well-informed and knowledgeable.


Important results also for the online channels: a total of over 265,000 visits (over 57,000 during the days of the event) to the SANA website (+15% on 2016), with peaks of over 19,000 visits per day (+11%). Four active social channels: the Facebook profile attracted 20,000 fans (+25%), reaching a level comparable to that of the event’s international competitors; +4,000 new likes, of which 1,700 were during the week of the event with a total coverage of 1,864,260 and 2,703,128 views.

The Instagram channel, inaugurated in 2016: thanks to the Challenge #linguaggionaturale that generated 300 contributions and the presence of 6 official SANA Bloggers, recorded over 2,000 followers (600 during the event), 2,870 interactions (+74% on 2016): 1,775 posts with the hashtag #SANA17, 764 #SANAexperience, 331 mentions. 4,100 Twitter followers (+19% on 2016), with a daily average of 14,800 views, over 6000 Tweets and mentions with the official hashtag.

Over 50 videos were made for the event and shown on both the BolognaFiere/SANA YouTube channel and the event’s social networks.


SANA is organized by BolognaFiere, in collaboration with FederBio and with the support of the Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of the Territories and the Seas and MIPAAF, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policy, the support of IFOAM – the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements, Cosmetica Italia and ICE, The Agency for Internationalization and Overseas Promotion of Italian businesses.