July 2024

Consumption of vegan ice cream is growing, responding to the needs of a modern, health-conscious and ethical consumer. Market innovations capable of combining taste and natural ingredients, without compromising on quality.

When it comes to ice cream, Italy is once again among the leaders in the field of taste and culinary innovation. And vegan ice cream, thanks to an increased awareness of the environmental effects of food production and a widespread sensitivity towards animal protection, is enjoying growing success.

According to a research conducted by the Rene Research institute, between 2023 and 2030 the global market for vegan ice cream will increase by 8.33%, worth close to USD 1.24 billion. In this study, Italy ranks seventh, fourth among European countries behind Germany, Belgium and France. The United States, Canada and Mexico are on the podium.


The growing popularity of vegan ice cream reflects an increased inclination towards ethical and sustainable food choices. With an ever-increasing variety of flavours, ranging from classics to more innovative creations, ice cream masters and companies are winning over consumers' palates with 100% vegan and flavour-packed offerings.

In the world of the ice-cream parlour, the rise of the vegan is part of a context that is focusing decisively on 'free from', starting with specialities without milk, without eggs and, in general, without derivatives of animal origin.

Changes in consumption are driven by an increase in intolerances, especially lactose, but also by a growing focus on health and healthy eating behaviour.


People are looking for alternatives that do not compromise on taste and quality, and vegan ice cream presents itself as the perfect solution, capable of satisfying the palate and protecting well-being.

Vegan ice cream has now become a must, both as a bulk product in artisanal ice cream parlours and as a packaged product in bars and supermarkets: the focus is on the breadth of flavours and sensory quality, while respecting the environment and animal welfare. The Italian excellences in the sector, with their commitment and creativity, are helping to position Italy as one of the international reference points for this vegan delicacy.

A sweet revolution that contributes to keeping the Made in Italy flag flying high in the world.

Source: Foodweb.it